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Dr. Bilkis Banu

Associate Professor

BSc (Hons) (DU), MSc (DU), MPH (NSU) and PhD (Heidelberg University, Germany)

Dr. Bilkis Banu is an Associate Professor in the department of Public Health, State University of Bangladesh. Her educational qualifications are BSc (Hons) in Food & Nutrition (DU), MSc in Food & Nutrition (DU), Master of Public Health (NSU) and PhD in Public Health (Heidelberg University, Germany). Nationally and internationally she awarded for the innovation in public health education, research grants, fellowships and conference grants. She achieved best presenter awards in different conferences. She has 44 journal publications, 2 book publications and more than 54 conference presentations both in national and international platforms. She was equipped to organize and facilitate more than 25 training programs, >60 workshops, >20 symposiums and several awareness programs including development of innovative awareness materials. Her research expertise are in the area of non-communicable diseases, diabetes, health education, health promotion, maternal health and child health. Her researcher identification numbers are: Scopus ID: 55382310400; ORCID ID:; Web of Science Researcher ID: GXS-2434-2022; Research Gate:

Journal Publications:

  1. Akter N, Banu B, Chowdhury SH, Tabassum TT, Hossain SM. The compliance status of tobacco control laws in the university setting of Bangladesh: an analytical study followed a mixed-method approach. BMJ Public Health. 2024. (Accepted)
  2. Roshid M, Rahman M, Alam M, Banu B, et al. Combined Effects of the Mobile Health (mHealth) Psychoeducation and Benson Relaxation Technique in Reducing the Caregiving Burden of Cancer Patients in Bangladesh: A Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial. Cureus. 2024 Mar; 16(3): e55520. doi:10.7759/cureus.55520.
  3. Banu B, Khan MH, Ali L, Barnighausen T, Sauerborn R, Souares A. Pattern and predictors of non-adherence to diabetes self-management recommendations among patients in peripheral district of Bangladesh. Tropical Medicine & International Health. 2024; 1-10. Doi:
  4. Haque KM, Banu B, Akter N, Chowdhury SH, Nobi N, Begum A. Service seeking knowledge and behavior toward safe dental care among Bangladeshi patients. Dentistry and Oral Health Care. 2023 Dec; 2 (4): Doi: 10.59657/2993-0863.brs.23.023.
  5. Begum A, Banu B, Akter N, Chowdhury SH, Shardar MS, Nobi N. Infection Control Measures Concerning Knowledge and Behavior among Bangladeshi Dental Professionals. International Journal of Scientific Research in Dental and Medical Sciences. 2023. Doi: 10.30485/ijsrdms.2023.405704.1523.
  6. Shahjahan M, Banu B, Akter N, Chowdhury ABMA, Hossain MB, Khan MS. Insights into lifestyles of COVID-19 patients during home and hospital treatment: Urban context of Bangladesh. International Journal of Science and Research Archives. 2023. 9 (2): 803-813. Doi: 10.30574/ijsra.2023.9.2.0587.
  7. Akter N, Banu B, Chowdhury SH, Islam KR, Tabassum TT,  Hossain SM. Astute exploration of collective mental health events among the residents of elderly care homes. Heliyon. 2023. Doi:
  8. Tahura S, Banu B, Akter N, Chowdhury SH, Islam KR, Ghosh UK, Shahinuzzaman MM. Infection dynamics of COVID-19 in children of Bangladesh. International Journal of Science and Research Archives. 2023. 9 (2): Doi:
  9. Sami-Al-Hasan A, Islam KR, Tarin TM, Akter N, Chowdhury SH, Ara U, Quamruzzaman M, Hossain SM, Banu B. Demographic and clinical features of discharged versus death patients with COVID-19: Bangladesh perspective. 2023. J Med Case Rep Case Series 4(10): Doi:
  10. Banu B, Akter N, Chowdhury SH, Islam KR, Ara U, Islam T, Hossain SM, Amin MR, Hossain SM. Willingness to vaccinate against COVID-19 among Bangladeshi sanitation and waste workers: Workplace setting approach to maximize vaccination coverage. Bangladesh Medical Research Council Bulletin. 2023; 4 (1): 47-55. Doi: 10.3329/bmrcb.v49i1.62699.
  11. Banu B, Ko KC, Khan MH, Ali L, Barnighausen T, Sauerborn R, Souares A. Effects of traditional versus m-Health educational interventions for diabetic patients: a randomised controlled trial in peripheral district of Bangladesh. Diabetes Epidemiology and Management. 2023 Jan 1; 9: 100106. Doi:
  12. Banu B, Akter N, Chowdhury SH, Islam KR, Islam T, Zahangir M, Hossain SM, Hossain SM. COVID-19 and Bangladeshi Health Professionals: Infection status, vaccination and its immediate health consequences. PLOS ONE. 2022; 17 (11). Doi:
  13. Banu B, Chowdhury SH, Akter N, Ara U, Islam KR, Amin MR, Hossain SM. Insights of literacy on preventive behaviors of non-communicable diseases in Bangladesh: descriptive type of cross-sectional study among female university students. International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health. 2022 July; 9 (7). doi:
  14. Khanom H, Banu B, Islam MR, Khanom K, Chowdhury SH, Hossain S. Knowledge and Practice of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus management guideline among the nurses of tertiary hospitals in capital Bangladesh. Obstetrics and Gynecology Research. 2022; 5 (1): 069-080. DOI: 0.26502/ogr080.
  15. Rahman MJ, Rahman MM, Maruf RI, Ahmed A, Matsuyama R, Banu B, Hossain SM, Islam MR, Monjur F, Sultana N, Tsumematsu M, Kakehashi M. Feasibility and acceptability of tele-pathology system among the rural communities of Bangladesh- A Pilot Study. Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care. 2022 June; 11(6): 2613-2619. doi: 10.4103/jfmpc.jfmpc_1876_21.
  16. Akter N, Banu B, Chowdhury SH, Islam KR, Islam MT, Hossain SM. Insights of driver’s behavior on hydraulic horn use in motor vehicles of Dhaka city. Journal of Environmental Science and Public Health. 2022 February 15; 6 (1): 069-081. doi:
  17. Banu B, Akter N, Chowdhury SH, Islam KR, Hossain SM. Infection and vaccination status of COVID-19 among healthcare professionals in academic platform: prevision vs. reality of Bangladesh context. PloS One. 2022 February 18; 17(2):e0263078. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0263078. 
  18. Akhter A, Banu B, Akter N, Chowdhury SH, Antara LP, Hossain SM. Knowledge on COVID-19 among nursing students of a selected nursing institute of Dhaka city, Bangladesh. Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Development. 2022; 13 (1): 59.
  19. Rabbani G, Billah B, Giri A, Hossein SM, Mahmud AI, Banu B, Ara U, Alif SM. Factors associated with health complaints among leather tannery workers in Bangladesh- a pilot study. Workplace Health and Safety. 2021 Jan; 69(1):22-31. doi: 10.1177/2165079920936222.
  20. Tahura S, Banu B, Akter N, Hossain SM, Amin MR. Ahmed MR. Risk of COVID-19 infection and workplace exposure of front-line mass media professionals. Journal of pediatrics, perinatology and child health. 2021; 5 (4): 238-251. doi:
  21. Banu B, Chowdhury SH, Akter N, Islam KR, Hossain SM, Amin MR. Preventive behaviors to mitigate COVID-19: Urban-Rural disparities of densely populated country like Bangladesh. Journal of Environmental Science and Public Health. 2021; 5 (4): 433-450.
  22. Chowdhury SH, Banu B, Akter N, Hossain SM. Unmet supportive care need and predictors of breast cancer patients in Bangladesh: a cross sectional study. Journal of Oncology Pharmacy Practice. 2021 Sep 30:10781552211039114. doi: 10.1177/10781552211039114.
  23. Banu B, Yasmin F, Khan MH, Ali L, Sauerborn R, Souares A. A systematic Review on Knowledge-Attitude-Practice on diabetes: Assessment process and outcome levels. Research Journal of Pharmacy and Technology. 2021; 14 (11): 6127-6140. DOI: 10.52711/0974-360X.2021.01064
  24. Akter N, Banu B, Hossain SM, Shakib SH, Awal SSN. Compliance on existing WASH facilities in community clinics of Bangladesh: A comparative study. Heliyon. 2021; 7 (7): E0754549. doi:
  25. Banu B, Akter N, Chowdhury SH, Rahim Z, Hossain SM, Zerin FF, Rahman S. Hygiene behavior among female garment workers: a pre-COVID-19 cross-sectional study in Bangladesh. Indian Journal of Public Health Research and Development. 2021; 12 (4). DOI:
  26. Yasmin F, Nahar N, Banu B, Ali L, Sauerborn R, Souares A. The influence of mobile phone-based health reminders on patient adherence to medications and healthy lifestyle recommendations for effective management of diabetes type 2: a randomized control trial in Dhaka, Bangladesh. BMC Health Services Research. 2020 Jun 8; 20(1):520. doi: 10.1186/s12913-020-05387-z.
  27. Banu B, Asaduzzaman S, Akter N, Hossain SM, Bhuiyan T. Concurrent Field Practice act as an efficient teaching pedagogy to originate public health professionals:  A Bangladesh Context. Universal Journal of Public Health. 2020 April; 8 (4): 113-119. doi: 10.13189/ujph.2020.080401.
  28. Yasmin F, Ali L, Banu B, Rasul FB, Sauerborn R, Souares A. Understanding patients’ experience living with diabetes type 2 and effective disease management: a qualitative study following a mobile health intervention in Bangladesh. BMC Health Services Research 2020 Jan 9; 20(1):29. doi: 10.1186/s12913-019-4811-9.
  29. Ara U, Yesmin A, Hossain SM, Banu B, Haque MR. Oral health seeking behavior and practice among underprivileged adult population in a Selected Area of Dhaka City, Bangladesh. Rangpur Dental College Journal. 2019. 7 (2): 17-19.
  30. Siddiqui MA, Ali L, Fawwad A, Banu B, Chowdhury HA, Waris N, Butt A, Nawab SN, Basit A. Mobile SMS: A tool for management of diabetes via patients-relative’s knowledge and belief. Clinical Epidemiology and Global Health. 2020 Jun 1; 8(2):455-60. DOI:
  31. Yasmin F, Banu B, Zakir S, Sauerborn R, Ali L, Souares A. Positive influence of short message service and voice call interventions on adherence and health outcomes in case of chronic disease care: a systematic review. Medical Informatics and Decision Making.2016, 16:46. doi: 10.1186/s12911-016-0286-3.
  32. Banu B. Using Mobile Technology for Diabetes Management. National Bulletin of Public Health. March 2019; 1 (4): 12-13.
  33. Banu B, Mustafa K. A comparative study on traditional and skill based health educational intervention on hand washing among secondary school children in Bangladesh. Paripex: Indian Journal of Research. 2015; 4(6):  ISSN 2250-1991.
  34. Islam R, Muktadir KM, Rizvi ZA, Hossain S, Banu B, Ahmed KR, Khanom K, Masud JHB. Educational Intervention on Hand washing among the School Children in a Rural area of Bangladesh. European Academic Research. 2015 January; 2:10.
  35. Ser PH, Banu B, Jebunnesa F, Fatema K, Nasrin R, Yasmin R, Furusawa H, Ali L, Ahmad A, Watanabe C. Arsenic exposure increases maternal but not cord serum immunoglobulin G level in Bangladesh. Pediatrics International. 2015; 57 (1). DOI: 10.1111/ped.12396
  36. Haque M, Banu B, Naser MA. Obesity status among psoriasis patients in a tertiary care hospital in Bangladesh. South Asian Journal of Population Health. 2014; 7 (1&2): 33 -39.
  37. Banu B, Sharmin S, Yasmin F, Khanom K. Knowledge and Practices of Hand Washing among Secondary School Children: Bangladesh Experience. South Asian Journal of Population and Health. 2014; 7 (1&2): 21 -32.
  38. Banu B, Rahman S, Begum K, Ahmed T, Choudhury HA, Ali L. Prescribing behavior of diabetes treating physicians in selected health care facilities of the Diabetic Association of Bangladesh. Indian Journal of Public Health. 2014; 58(3):180-186. DOI: 10.4103/0019-557X.138627
  39. Haque M, Banu B, Islam K, Islam ASMM, Naser MA. Nutritional status and hygiene practice among ethnic communities in selected area of Bangladesh. Bangladesh Journal of Nutrition. 2013-14; 26: 87-94.
  40. Shrestha S, Banu B, Devkota B, Thapa N, Khanom K, Ali L, Pederse BS.  Changing Trends on the Place of Delivery: Why do Nepali Women give Birth at Home.  Journal of Reproductive Health. 2012; 9:25. DOI: 10.1186/1742-4755-9-25
  41. Banu B, Khanom K. Effects of Education Level of Father and Mother on perceptions of Breast Feeding. Journal of Enam Medical College. 2012; 2 (2):67-73. DOI: 10.3329/jemc.v2i2.12840
  42. Banu B, Hasnin SS, Khanom K. Nutritional Status of the Children of Non-Formal Primary School: Bangladesh Experience. South Asian Journal of Population Health. 2011; 4 (1&2): 83-90.
  43. Afrose L, Banu B, Ahamed KR, Khanom K. Factors associated with knowledge on breastfeeding among female garments workers in Dhaka city. The South-East Asian Journal of Public Health. 2012; 1 (3): 249-255. 
  44. Broek JMV, Roy SK, Khan WA, Biswas R, Banu B, Ara G and Chakraborty B. Risk factors for mortality in shigellosis: a case control study among severely malnourished children in Bangladesh.The Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition. 2005; 23( 3): 259-265.

Book Publications:

  1. Banu B. ‘ডায়াবেটীস ব্যবস্থাপনায় রোগীর করনীয়', BUHS Publications, Dhaka, Bangladesh, Published on February 2016.
  2. Banu B. Prescribing Behavior of Diabetes Treating Physicians, Lap Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany, ISBN: 978-3-659-19701-7, Published on August 2013.

Conference Proceedings:

  1. Banu B, Sauerborn R. Mobile Technology: Managing diabetes in the digital age through enhancing health literacy and fostering self-care adherence. 23rd Annual Virtual Health Literacy Conference. May 14-16, 2024. 
  2. Banu B, Halder S, Sheba NH, Akter N, Chowdhury SH, Hossain SM. Tobacco use corresponds to socio-demographic characteristics among urban slum children of Dhaka city of Bangladesh, Tobacco Control Research Findings Dissemination Conference. Bangladesh Center for Communication Programs. 28 February, 2024, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  3. Banu B - Keynote Speaker. ‘Prospects of higher education for nursing professionals in Bangladesh: ways to a brighter career’. February 15, 2024, Organized by Northern University Bangladesh at East-West Medical College, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  4. Banu B. Comprehensive approach is the effective way to make easier the health system functions. South East Asia (SEA) Health System Research (Virtual), Organized by The Health System Global (HSG) South East Asia Regional Network. 30-31 January, 2024.
  5. Banu B, Akter N, Chowdhury SH, Sheba NH, Majumder MAH, Hossain SM. Effects of Smartphone Application for the self-management of diabetes: a randomized controlled trial in Bangladesh context. Keynote speeches in the 7th International Conference on Public Health and Technology (Virtual), Organized by Center for Academic & Professional Career Development and Research (CAPCDR). 25-26 December, 2023.
  6. Banu B, Akter N, Chowdhury SH, Hossain SM. Mitigation initiatives towards climate change in community settings of Bangladesh: Knowledge and Implementation behavior followed analytical approach. 9th International Public Health Conference, 2023. Dhaka, Bangladesh. 17-18 November, 2023.
  7. Banu B, Akter N, Chowdhury SH, Sheba NH, Majumder MAH, Hossain SM. Effects of Smartphone Application for the self-management of diabetes: a randomized controlled trial in Bangladesh context. 9th International Public Health Conference, 2023. Dhaka, Bangladesh. 17-18 November, 2023.
  8. Banu B, Akter N, Chowdhury SH, Hossain SM. Status and willingness regarding COVID-19 vaccination among sanitation workers: city setting approach of Bangladesh Context. Dissemination Program of BMRC Research Activities, BMRC Bhaban, Mohakhali, Bangladesh. 28 February 2023.
  9. Banu B, Khan MH, Ali L, Sauerborn R, Souares A. Effect of traditional versus m-health educational intervention in improving dietary adherence among Bangladeshi diabetic patients: a randomized controlled trial. 'Nutrition Expo and Allied Public Health Conference-22. BARC, Farmgate, Dhaka, Bangladesh. 06-07 January 2023.
  10. Banu B. Demographic penetration towards socio-economic status of peripheral Bangladeshi people: Insights and determinants corresponding wealth index. International Conference on Business Management and Social Sciences (ICBMSS) 2022. Organized by Northern University Bangladesh & Global Business and Management Forum (USA). Dhaka, Bangladesh. 29-30 December, 2022.
  11. Banu B, Akter N, Chowdhury SH, Hossain SM. Collective factors for COVID-19 vaccination status among Bangladeshi sanitation and waste workers: Mixed method approach followed workplace setting. 14th IEA-SEA meeting & ICPH 2022. Chiang Rai, Thailand. 23-25 November, 2022.
  12. Banu B. Perceptions regarding smart phone application for the self-management of diabetes: A qualitative study in comprehensive approach. 14th IEA-SEA meeting & ICPH 2022. Chiang Rai, Thailand. 23-25 November, 2022.
  13. Banu B, Chowdhury SH, Akter N, Hossain SM, Amin MR. Poster 2: Preventive knowledge and behaviors to mitigate COVID-19: Urban and Rural comparison in Dhaka, Bangladesh. 24th IUHPE (The International Union for Health Promotion and Education) World Conference on Health Promotion (Virtual), 15-19 May, 2022, Montreal, Canada.
  14. Banu B, Khan MH, Ali L, Sauerborn R, Souares A. Poster 1: Effect of traditional versus communication technology-based health educational intervention focusing on diabetes in Bangladesh: a randomized controlled trial. 24th IUHPE (The International Union for Health Promotion and Education) World Conference on Health Promotion (Virtual), 15-19 May, 2022, Montreal, Canada.
  15. Banu B, Discussant in the Dissemination Workshop of the study titled “Exploring self-efficacy in the sociocultural context to improve measurement and understanding of perceived self-efficacy” at Hotel Lake Castle, Gulshan 2, Dhaka 1212 from 9:30 AM to 1:00 PM on Monday, 21 March 2022 organized by Helen Keller International.
  16. Banu B, Greis A, Ali L, Sauerborn R, Souares A. Perceptions related to smart phone application for stopping tobacco consumption among diabetic patients: Bangladesh context in qualitative approach, Tobacco Control Research Findings Dissemination Conference, Bangladesh Center for Communication Programs. 21 March, 2022, Dhaka, Bangladesh. 
  17. Banu B - Keynote Speaker. Importance of Public Health Research for Medical Professionals: Quest for Greater Development’. March 10, 2022, Organized by Northern University Bangladesh at Bashundhara Ad-din Medical College, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  18. Banu B- Keynote Speaker. Mobile Technology: Managing diabetes in the Digital Age. March 07, 2022, 2nd World Congress on Diabetes and endocrinology, 07 to 08 March 2022 (Virtual).
  19. Banu B, Akter N, Chowdhury SH, Islam KR, Islam MT, Hossain SM. Infection and vaccination status of COVID-19 among healthcare professionals in academic platform: prevision vs. reality of Bangladesh context. 2nd International Healthcare Management Conference 2022 organized by K J Somaiya Institute of Management, Mumbai, India. 29 January, 2022.
  20. Banu B, Khan MH, Ali L, Sauerborn R, Souares A. Comparative effect of traditional versus communication technology-based health educational intervention focusing on diabetes in Bangladesh: a randomized controlled trial. 1st National NCDs Conference, Organized by NCDC, Clinical Platform & Eminence. 26-28 January, 2022, Dhaka, Bangladesh. 
  21. Banu B, Khan MH, Ali L, Sauerborn R, Souares A. Effect of traditional versus communication technology-based health educational intervention focusing on diabetes in Bangladesh: a randomized controlled trial, 57 EASD Annual Meeting (Virtual), 27 September – 01 October 2021.
  22. Banu B, Chowdhury SH, Akter N, Hossain SM, Amin MR. Preventive knowledge and behaviors to mitigate COVID-19: Urban and Rural comparison in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Annual Scientific Conference by the Public Health Association of Bangladesh. 03-04 September, 2021.
  23. Banu B- Keynote Speaker. Promoting career in public health: home and abroad’. July 13, 2021, Northern University Bangladesh.
  24. Banu B- Keynote Speaker. Career opportunity of nursing professionals in public health: status and destination’. February 15, 2021, Northern University Bangladesh.
  25. Banu B, Ali L, Sauerborn R, Souares A. Pattern and predictors of tobacco use among diabetic patients of selected peripheral area: Bangladesh Context, Dhaka Conference on Tobacco or Health. 27 March, 2021, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  26. Banu B, Khan MH, Ali L, Sauerborn R, Souares A. Effect of traditional versus communication technology based health educational intervention to reduce tobacco consumption among Bangladeshi diabetic patients, Tobacco Control Research Findings Dissemination Conference, Bangladesh Center for Communication Programs. 22 March, 2021, Dhaka, Bangladesh. 
  27. Banu B- Discussant. Webinar on Prevention of COVID-19 through Lifestyle Modifications: Evidence vs. Reality’. July 1, 2020, Northern University Bangladesh.
  28. Banu B, Ali L, Sauerborn R, Winkler V, Souares A. Non-compliance to tobacco non-use among diabetic patients in rural Bangladesh. Tobacco Control Research Findings Dissemination Conference, Bangladesh Center for Communication Programs. 10 January, 2020, Dhaka, Bangladesh. 
  29. Banu B, Ali L, Sauerborn R, Winkler V, Souares A. Predictors influencing non-adherences to dietary and physical activities management of Bangladeshi rural diabetic patient. Scientific Seminar of 50 Years Celebration of Institute of Food and Nutrition, University of Dhaka. 28 December, 2019, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  30. Banu B, Ali L, Sauerborn R, Winkler V, Souares A. Drug, diet and physical activities management of Bangladeshi rural diabetic patient. 1st Scientific Congress on NCD. 20-21 October 2019, BSMMU, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  31. Banu B, Ahmed K, Hossain SM. Personal hygiene among female garments workers of Bangladesh. National Conference on Fostering Communication for Development Research (C4D) to achieve results for children. 24 April 2019, BICC, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  32. Banu B, Ali L, Sauerborn R, Souares A. Non-adherences to diabetes self-care activities among rural diabetic patients of Bangladesh. 2nd International Conference on Public Health, 19-20 March 2019, Kualalampur, Malaysia.
  33. Banu B, Sauerborn R. Mobile Technology: Managing Diabetes in the Digital Age. 6th Public Health Foundation Day & International Conference, 08-09 December 2018, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  34. Banu B, Sauerborn R. Mobile Technology: Managing Diabetes in the Digital Age. 8th Regional Public Health Conference, 29-30 December 2017, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  35. Banu B, Ali L, Sauerborn R, Winkler V, Souares A. Pattern of drug, diet and physical activities among diabetic patients: In-depth and concerning socio-economic status index. 5th Public Health Foundation Day & International Conference, 08-09 December 2017, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  36. Banu B, Ali L, Sauerborn R, Winkler V, Souares A. Factors influencing non-adherences to diabetes self-care activities among diabetic patients in rural Bangladesh. 53 EASD Annual Meeting, 11-15 September 2017, Lisbon, Portugal.
  37. Banu B, Ali L, Sauerborn R, Winkler V, Souares A. A comparative study on the effectiveness of traditional versus communication technology-based health educational intervention focusing on diabetes. PhD Poster Presentation Event, 05 July 2017, Institute of Public Health, Heidelberg University, Germany.
  38. Banu B, Ali L, Sauerborn R, Souares A. Factors influencing non-adherences to diabetes self-care activities among diabetic patients in rural Bangladesh. 4th Public Health Foundation Day & Scientific Seminar, 08 December 2016, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  39. Banu B, Ali L, Sauerborn R, Souares A. Factors influencing non-adherences to diabetes self care activities among diabetic patients in rural Bangladesh. 7th Regional Public Health Conference, 06-07 December 2016, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  40. Banu B, Mustafa K. Does Concurrent Field Practice act as an effective teaching method to develop public health professionals?, 3rd Public Health Foundation Day & Scientific Seminar, 07- 08 December, 2015, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  41. Banu B, Mustafa K, Mustafa MH. Knowledge and Practices on Personal Hygiene among Female Garments Workers in Bangladesh, 6th Regional Public Health Conference, 20-21 December 2015, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  42. Banu B, Mustafa K, Ahsan GU. A comparative study on Traditional and concurrent field practice based teaching method among post-graduate public health students in Bangladesh, 5th Regional Public Health Conference, 17-18 December 2014, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  43. Banu B. Preventing Diabetes: Educational messages and their effectiveness̕. International Symposium on Non-communicable diseases- a challenge for global health research and translation into national policies. 30 November to 03 December 2014. Organized by Heidelberg University, Germany and Inter-University Consortium for Global Health Research, Indonesia. 
  44. Banu B. Health Promotion and Health Education through modern technology. Continuing Public Health Education program̕. Bangladesh University of Health Sciences. 25 February 2014, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  45. Banu B, Rizvi ZA, Basit A, Ali L. Factors affecting non-adherence to drug, diet and physical activity advices among type 1 diabetic subjects, 49 EASD Annual Meeting, 23-27 September 2013, Barcelona, Spain.
  46. Banu B, Khanom K, Ali L. A comparative study on Traditional and Skill Based Health Education on hand washing among secondary school children in Bangladesh, 21st World Conference on Health Promotion, 25-29 August 2013, Pattaya, Thailand.
  47. Banu B, Jebunnesa F, Helal R. Insulin secretory defect as a differential marker between T2DM and GDM, The 19th Conference of the Islamic World Academy of Sciences on 05-09 May, 2013, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  48. Banu B, Khanom K, Ali L. A comparative study on Traditional and Skill Based Health Education on hand washing among SECONDARY school children in Bangladesh, South East Asia Regional Public Health Conference & 57th Annual Conference of IPHA on 01-03 February, 2013, Kolkata, India.
  49. Banu B, Khanom K, Ali L. Hand Washing Knowledge and Practices among School Children in Bangladesh, National Public Health Conference 2013 on 13- 15 January 2013, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  50. Banu B, Khanom K. Effects of Education Level of Father and Mother on Perceptions of Breast Feeding, Regional Conference on Breastfeeding and Complementary Feeding on 28 – 30 April 2012, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  51. Banu B, Debnath P, Khurshid N, Ahmed KR, Khanom K. Knowledge and practice regarding type 2 diabetes among geriatric patients in selected hospitals of West Bengal, India, 2nd Regional Public Health Seminar on 11-12 December 2011, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  52. Banu B, Rosy N, Sultana N, Jebunnesa  F, Helal R, Ali L. Insulin secretory defect as a differential marker between T2DM and GDM, International Diabetes Federation (IDF) World Diabetes Congress on 4-8 December, 2011, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
  53. Banu B, Khanom K. Concurrent Field Practice (CFP): A new idea to develop professionals, National Conference on Health Professions Education (NCHPE) on 14-17 September, 2011, Vellore, India.
  54. Banu B, Rosy N, Sultana N, Jebunnesa F, Helal R, Ali L. Association of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus with dietary intake of macro- and micro nutrients, XI Asian Congress of Nutrition on 12-17 July, 2011, Singapore.


  • Research Grant from ‘Ministry of Science & Technology, Government of the people’s Republic of Bangladesh’ entitled ‘Effectiveness of Smartphone Application ’Diabetes Self-care’ for self-management of diabetes among diabetic patients of Bangladesh" amounting BDT 2, 00,000/- as Principal Investigator in 2022.
  • Research Grant from ‘Bangladesh Center for Communication Program (BCCP)’ entitled ‘Barriers and Opinions to declare tobacco smoke free home in Dhaka city: Mixed method study focusing home setting approach" amounting BDT 5, 00,000/- as Mentor in 2022.
  • Research Grant from the ‘WaterAid, UK’ entitled ‘Occupational behavior and perceived health problems of sanitation workers: city setting approach of Bangladesh context’ amounting BDT 2, 00,000/- as Mentor in 2022.
  • Research Grant from ‘Bangladesh Medical and Research Council (BMRC)’, Dhaka, Bangladesh entitled ‘Status and willingness regarding COVID-I9 vaccination among sanitation and waste workers: city setting approach of Bangladesh context’ amounting BDT 4, 00,000/- Principal Investigator in 2022.
  • Achieved Best Presenter Award in 1st National NCDs Conference, 2022, Dhaka Bangladesh for the paper entitled ‘Comparative effect of traditional versus communication technology based health educational intervention focusing on diabetes in Bangladesh: a randomized controlled trial’ in 2022.
  • Research Grant from ‘Bangladesh Medical and Research Council (BMRC)’, Dhaka, Bangladesh entitled ‘Health literacy on preventive health behaviors related to non-communicable diseases among university level female students’ amounting BDT 4, 00,000/- as Co-Investigator in 2021.
  • Research Grant from ‘Bangladesh Medical and Research Council (BMRC)’, Dhaka, Bangladesh entitled ‘Opinions to minimize tobacco consumption and complying tobacco control law: setting approach in private university’ amounting BDT 4, 00,000/- as Co-Investigator in 2021.
  • Research Grant from the ‘WaterAid, Bangladesh’ entitled ‘Compliance of WASH facilities among clients of community clinics in Bangladesh: A comparative study’ amounting BDT 2, 00,000/- as Mentor in 2020.
  • Research Grant from ‘Bangladesh Medical and Research Council (BMRC)’, Dhaka, Bangladesh entitled ‘Preventive health behaviors to mitigate transmission of COVID-19: Urban and Rural comparison in Dhaka district’ amounting BDT 5, 00,000/- as Principal Investigator in 2020.
  • Achieved Best Presenter Award in the 1st Scientific Congress on NCD, BSMMU, Dhaka, Bangladesh for the paper entitled ‘Drug, diet and physical activities management of Bangladeshi rural diabetic patient’ in 2019. 
  • Achieved Best Session Presenter Award in the 2nd International Conference on Public Health, Kualalampur, Malaysia for the paper entitled ‘Non-adherences to diabetes self-care activities among rural diabetic patients of Bangladesh’ in 2019.
  • Research grant entitled ‘Perceptions regarding Smartphone Application from the self-management of diabetes: A formative study’ amounting 3621 Euro from the Institute of Public Health, Heidelberg University, Germany in 2017.
  • Conference travel grants amounting 700 EURO for the 53 European Associations for the Study of Diabetes (EASD) Congress in Lisbon, Portugal in 2017.
  • Fellowship award with stipend amounting 3500 Euro from the Institute of Public Health, Heidelberg University, Germany in 2017.  
  • Research grant entitled ‘A comparative study on communication versus traditional technology-based health educational intervention focusing on diabetes’ amounting 10,500 Euro from the Institute of Public Health, Heidelberg University, Germany in 2016.
  • Scholarship for PhD Programs under the USAID̕s Next Generation of Public Health Experts Project (NGPHEP) from James P. Grant School of Public Health (JPGSPH) of BRAC Institute of Global Health (BIGH) of BRAC University amounting 30,000 USD in 2015.
  • Conference travel grants amounting 1800 EURO for the 49 European Associations for the Study of Diabetes (EASD) Congress in Barcelona, Spain in 2013. 
  • Fellowship award as an Innovation Public Health Education under the Next Generation of Public Health Experts Program with full stipend of $5000 from James P Grant School of Public Health, BRAC University, Dhaka, Bangladesh in 2013.


*** Admission going on for Spring 2025 *** LL.B. Admission Test (Fall-2025) Result has been Published *** Admission is open for M.Sc. in Data Science & Machine Learning *** Congratulations! to all the newly enrolled advocates from the State University of Bangladesh *** Certificate verification for SUB students going abroad is now available on ***
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