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Professor Dr. Sharmin Parveen


PhD (India); MPhil (DU); M.Sc & B.Sc in Applied Physics & Electronics (DU)

  1. Nahar N, Parveen S, Mahbub MS, Ferdous RN, Yasmin N, Ghosh SR, Jinia FA, Shams N. “Gestational Diabetes Mellitus and Psychological Stress in Bangladeshi Women: A Cross-Sectional Comparative Study”, Ethiopian Journal of Reproductive Health. 2024;16(3):29-38. doi:
  2. Md. Shahriar Mahbub, Sharmin Parveen, Nasreen Nahar, KAM Morshed, Nourin Rahman, Ezzat Tanzila Evana, Nazia Islam, Abu Said Md. Juel Miah. “A Qualitative Study on Impact of COVID-19 on Healthcare Services in Bangladesh: Healthcare Providers’ Perspective”, Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health (vol. 57, no. 4, July 2024).
  3. Kazi Nazmus Sakib, Sharmin Parveen2Md. Aminul Islam, Tamima Israt Zahan “Quality Assessment of Routine Data on Maternal Health of Selected Districts in Bangladesh in District Health Information System 2 (DHIS2)”, poster presentation in International Public Health Conference 2024, IEDCR, Mohakhali Dhaka.
  4. Sadia Fatema Kabir, Sharmin Parveen, Syed Abul Hassan Md Abdullah, Uzzal Kumar Roy. “Screening and Health Education Campaign on Hepatitis B infection among the waste material handlers in Dhaka North City Corporation”, oral presentation at Global Health Security 2024 on the theme Health Security & the Human-Animal-Environmental Interface, ICC Sydney, Australia, 18-21 June 2024.
  5. Sharmin Parveen, Nasreen Nahar, Md. Shahriar Mahbub. “Impact of COVID-19 on essential health services in Bangladesh: a rapid assessment”, Journal of Integrative Medicine and Public Health, Volume 1, Issue 2, Page 49-58 (Accepted on December 10, 2022, published in 20 Feb 2023). 6. A Q M Shamsul Haque, Sharmin Parveen, Md. Aminul Islam, Tamima Israt Zahan. “Factors Affecting Provider’s Satisfaction Regarding Newly Introduced LIS in AFIP, Dhaka", Bangladesh Journal of Health and Allied Sciences (BJHAS), July 2023, url:
  6. Sharmin Parveen, Nasreen Nahar, Md. Aminul Islam, Md. Shahriar Mahbub, Tamima Israt Zahan. “Prototype of a Mobile App for Managing Stress Levels and Overall Well-being of GDM Pregnant Women in Bangladesh”, IDF Virtual Congress 2023.
  7. Sharmin Parveen, Nasreen Nahar, Md. Shahriar Mahbub, Rabeya Nahar Ferdous, Nahida Yasmin, Shupriti Rani Ghosh, Tamima Israt Zahan. “Psychological Stress Associated with Gestational Diabetes Mellitus in Bangladeshi Women” (Poster presented in the International Diabetic Federation (IDF) Congress, 5-8 December, 2022.
  8. Md. Shahriar Mahbub, Nasreen Nahar, NadiahShams1, Begum Rowshan Ara, Sharmin Parveen, “Diabetes Distress in Forcibly Displaced Myanmar Nationals Living with Diabetes in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh”, (Poster presented in the International Diabetic Federation (IDF) Congress, 5-8 December, 2022. 10. Mamunur Rashid, Mohanad Alkhodari *, Abdul Mukit, Khawza Iftekhar Uddin Ahmed, Raqibul Mostafa, Sharmin Parveen, Ahsan H. Khandoker, “Machine Learning for Screening Microvascular Complications in Type-2 Diabetic Patients using Demographic, Clinical, and Laboratory Profiles”, Journal of Clinical Medicine, February 2022, 11(4):1-23.
  9. Mohanad Alkhodari , Mamunur Rashid , Mohammad Abdul Mukit, Khawza I. Ahmed, (Member, IEEE), Raqibul Mostafa, (Senior Member, IEEE) , Sharmin Parveen and Ahsan H. Khandoker, (Senior Member, IEEE)" Screening cardiovascular autonomic neuropathy in diabetic patients with microvascular complications using machine learning: a 24-hour heart rate variability study," IEEE Access on page(s): 1-17, Print ISSN: 2169-3536, Online ISSN: 2169-3536, Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3107687 12. H.A. Azhari, Sharmin Parveen, Chai Hong Yeong, ,N. S. Juyena, Nasreen Nahar , Md. Aminul Islam, Sunil Mysore Kempe Gowda, T. Mumtaz, N. Karmaker, “Health Management during COVID-19 Pandemic - Contribution of Women Health Informaticians, Medical Physicists and Veterinarians from Bangladesh and Malaysia During the World Crisis, August 2021 Health and Technology 11(7)
  10. M. G. Morshed, M. A. Mukit, K. Ahmed, R. Mostafa, S. Parveen, and A. H. Khandoker, “Heart rate variability analysis for diagnosis of diabetic peripheral neuropathy,” in IEEE TENSYMP 2020, June, 2020, Bangladesh (IEEE Explore Digital Library)
  11. T. A. Ahmed, M. A. Mukit, K. Ahmed, R. Mostafa, S. Parveen, and A. H. Khandoker, “Effective segmention on 24-hour holter recording for classifying microvascular complications of T2DM,” in IEEE TENSYMP 2020, June, 2020, Bangladesh. IEEE Explore Digital Library)
  12. Shamim-Ara-Sarkar, HabiburRahman,Israt Jahan, Sharmin Parveen, Md Ranzu Ahmed,“Assessment of serum zinc level in childhood epilepsy treated with long-term Anti Epileptic Drug (AED)”, International Medical Science Research Journal, Vol. 1(1), pp., 1-9, May 2019,
  13. Muhammad Ahsan Qureshi, Rafidah Md Noor, Shahaboddin Shamshirand, Sharmin Parveen, Muhammad Shiraz, Abdullah Gani, “A Survey on Obstacle Modeling Patterns in Radio Propagation Models for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks”, Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, May 2015, Volume 40, Issue 5, pp 1385-1407 (ISI-Cited Publication)
  14. Mostofa Kamal Nasir, Syed Adeel Ali Shah, Rafidah Md Noor and Sharmin Parveen, "A Comparative Study and Stepwise Approach for Routing In Vanets", Advances in Natural and Applied Sciences, 8(4) April 2014, Pages: 244-253. ISSN:1995-0772 (SCOPUS-Cited Publication).
  15. Ahmed Faisal, Sharmin Parveen, ShahriarBadsha, Hasan Sarwar, Ahmed Wasif Reza, Computer Assisted Diagnosis System in Tumor Radiography, Journal of Medical Systems, vol. 37, DOI: 10.1007/s10916-013- 9938-3, 2013 (published) (ISI-Cited Publication), March 2013.
  16. Sharmin NaharSharwardy, Sharmin Parveen, Hasan Sarwar and Zahidur Rahman, “An Analysis of a Video-conference based Tele-consultation System in Bangladesh”, Journal of Telemedicine & Telecare (ISI indexed), 2012.
  17. Ahmed Faisal, Sharmin Parveen, ShahriarBadsha and Hasan Sarwar,An Improved Image Denoising and Segmentation Approach for Detecting Tumor from 2-D MRI Brian Images, Proceedings, International Conference on Advanced Computer Science Applications and Technologies- – ACSAT2012,Malaysia, 2012,published in IEEE Xplore Digital Library (ISI indexed).
  18. Rajibul Alam Joarder, S. Parveen, H. Sarwar, S. K. Sanyal, S. Rafique, “Analysis of Real-Time Multimedia Traffic in the Context of Self-Similarity”, Published in the proceedings of ICECE, International Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2009 published in IEEE Xplore Digital Library (ISI indexed).
  19. Hasan Sarwar, Sharmin Nahar Sharwardy, Zahidur Rahman, Sharmin Parveen, Md Sharifuzzaman, Md Nurul Akhter Hasan, “Monitoring and Prediction of ICU Patient with Pediatric Congenital Heart Disease Using Data Mining approach", Proceedings of International Conference on Computer Assisted Systems in Health, 1-2 September, 2016, Malaysia.
  20. Md Ranzu Ahmed, Dilruba Sharmin Ruma, Israt Jahan, FarzanaAkter, Sharmin Parveen, “Assessment of the knowledge, attitude and practice of diabetes mellitus among the diabetes patients in Bangladesh”, Abstract No: BU-04027 Abstract is accepted to present in IDF Congress 2019 in Busan, South Korea 02-06 December 2019
  21. Fatema Uddin, Sharmin Parveen, Effective Utilization of ICT Based Maternal & Child Health Tracking System in Community Clinic of Bangladesh, published in Proceedings of 7th International CME, Workshop & Conference CEUTEH-2017 on ‘Cost Effective Use of Technology in e-Healthcare’ from 11th - 13th Sep 2017 at AIIMS, New Delhi, India.
  22. Shamim Jubayer, Kalpana Bhandari, Md. Abdullah Al Jobair, Aminul Islam, Sharmin Parveen, “Telemedicine in Bangladesh: An Effective Intervention for Rural Community”, published in Proceedings of 7th International CME, Workshop & Conference CEUTEH -2017on ‘Cost Effective Use of Technology in e-Healthcare’ from 11th - 13thSep 2017 at AIIMS, New Delhi, India.
  23. Md. Nazrul Islam, Sharmin Parveen, A M A Bhuiyan, " Haemodialysis Registry for Clinical Practice and Research in Bangladesh: A Study into its Design Methodology and Baseline Characteristics", Proceedings of 7th Regional Public Health Conference, 6-7 December 2016, Bangladesh.
  24. M Bashidul Islam, MA Islam, Sharmin Parveen, Liaqut Ali, "Designing a Process Model of a Web-based Inventory Management System for the Procurement of Drugs and Medical Equipment in Bangladesh Armed Forces" in Proceedings of 7th Regional Public Health Conference, 6-7 December 2016, Bangladesh.
  25. Sharmin Nahar Sharwardy, Zahidur Rahman, Sharmin Parveen, Hasan Sarwar, ASM Mobarak Hossain, “A Cost-effective Web-based Teleconsultation System”, Proceedings of International Conference on Information Technology in Asia (CITA `13), 2nd to 4th July 2013 Kuching, sarawak, Malaysia. Pp 87-90.
  26. Sivalingham Latchmanan, Sharmin Parveen, ”Applicability of RC4 Algorithm in Bluetooth Data Encryption Method for Achieving Better Energy Efficiency of Mobile Devices”, Proceedings, 4th International Conference on Informatics and Technology, University of Malaya, 2011.
  27. Shahida Rafique, Hasan Khaled Rouf, Hasan Mahmud, Sharmin Parveen, Hasan Sarwar, “Towards the Improvement of Data Rate through DMARP in FDDI Network,” Published in the Dhaka University Journal of Science, Vol. 54 (1), pp 67-69, January, 2006.
  28. Sharmin Parveen, R. A. Joarder, AfreenAzhari, Hasan Sarwar, Dr Shahida Rafique, “A Congestion Control Algorithm for Multimedia Traffic,” pp.160-163 Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Publisher: Springer-Verlag GmbH, ISSN: 0302-9743, Volume 3320 / 2004, Title: Parallel and Distributed Computing: Applications and Technologies: 5th International Conference, PDCAT 2004, Singapore, December 8-10, 2004. Proceedings, ISBN: 3-540-24013-6, 2004 (ISI indexed).
  29. M. Sirajul Islam, Sk.Md.Mizanur Rahman, Salahuddin M. Masum, Sharmin Parveen, Shahida Rafique, “DWDM Technology: Implementation of a Unidirectional System through Algorithmic Approach,” Published in Journal of Electrical Engineering The Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh. Vol. EE 29, No. 2, Dec. 2001 & vol. EE 30, No. 1, June 2002.
  30. Hasan Sarwar, Sharmin Parveen, and Shahida Rafique, “Wireless solutions: Rural and urban approach present and future,” Proceedings of Golden Jubilee Symposium on Radio Science, INCURSI 2007, Feb 20-24, NPL, New Delhi. (Best Paper Award), 2007.
  31. Sharmin Parveen, S. K. Sanyal, Shahida Rafique, “Analysis of Self-Similarity of Multimedia Traffic in a Broadband Network,” published in the Proceedings of The 3rd International Conference on Computers and Devices for Communication" (CODEC-06), Kolkata, India, Dec 2006, pp. 210-213.
  32. H. Sarwar, R.A. Joarder, A. Azhari, S. Parveen, S.K, Sanyal, S. Rafique, “Performance study of Wired, Wireless and Combined Approach LAN & WAN,” Published in the Proceedings of the XXVIIIth General Assembly of International Union of Radio Science (URSI), 23-29 October, 2005.
  33. H. Sarwar, R.A. Joarder, A. Azhari, S. Parveen, S.K, Sanyal, S. Rafique, “A Hybrid Algorithm for SATELLITE-TERRESTRIAL Network,” in the XXVIIIth General Assembly of International Union of Radio Science (URSI), 23-29 October, 2005.
  34. Shahida Rafique, Hasan Sarwar, Runa Rukhsana Khan, and Sharmin Parveen, “Radio Frequency Technology in Telecommunication System: Bangladesh Scenario,” Published in the proceedings of the XXVIIIth General Assembly of International Union of Radio Science (URSI), 23-29 October, 2005.
  35. Shahida Rafique, M. Anisuzzaman, Hasan Sarwar, Sharmin Parveen, “WiMax: The Emerging Broadband Technology for Distributing Bits from Wire line to Wireless,” Presented in the Calcutta Conference (CALCON ’05), December 2005.
  36. Sharmin Parveen, Hasan Sarwar, P.Venkateswaran, S. K. Sanyal, S. Rafique, R. Nandi, “A Shortest P9th Routing Algorithm for Reliable Spanning Cost Minimization,” Proceedings of The 2nd International Conference on Computers and Devices for Communication", CODEC-04 January 1-3, 2004, Kolkata, India. Won the best paper award among the papers presented. 2004.
  37. R. A. Joarder, Sharmin Parveen, Hasan Sarwar, Shahida Rafique, “A Satellite Based Shortest Path Routing Algorithm,” Proceedings of International Conference on Physics for Understanding and Application”, Dhaka, 22-24th Feb, 2004, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2004.
  38. M. Sirajul Islam, Sk. Md. MizanurRahman, Salahuddin M. Masum, Sharmin Parveen, Shahida Rafique, “DWDM Technology: Implemented on a Unidirectional System Through Algorithmic Approach,” Proceedings of The Fourth International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing, Applications and Technologies, 2003, Chengdu, China, 2003.
  39. S. Rafique, S. Parveen, A. Azhari, H Sarwar, “Mobile Communication System Engineering: Evolution toward 4G and Next,” Calcutta Section, IEEE SILVER JUBILEE Celebration Program, Nov 6-7, 2003, Kolkata, India, 2003.
  40. Sharmin Parveen, Hasan Sarwar, P.Venkateswaran, S. K. Sanyal, S. Rafique, R. Nandi, “Performance Analysis of Existing Routing Algorithm Leading to Alternate Path,” Presented in the National Conference on Radio Science, organized by National Physical Laboratory, New Delhi, India, Nov 27- 29, 2003.
  41. H. A. AnupamaRupama, Sharmin Parveen, Hasan Sarwar, P.Venkateswaran, S. K. Sanyal, S. Rafique, R. Nandi, “Effects of Cell Phone on Human Body: Engineering and Biological Perspective,” Presenting in the National Conference on Radio Science, organized by National Physical Laboratory, New Delhi, India, Nov 27- 29, 2003.
  42. Md. RajibulAlamJoarder, Sharmin Parveen, Hasan Sarwar, Shahida Rafique, “An Alternative Approach for Quick Data Transmission by Modifying OSI Layers,” Proceedings of the national conference organized by Bangladesh Electronic Society, 2002.
  43. Sharmin Parveen, Hasan Sarwar, Shahida Rafique, “A Proposed Model for a Campus LAN Using Optical Communication Link,” 21st Bangladesh Science Conference of Bangladesh Association for the Advancement of Science", 2001.
  44. Sharmin Parveen, Hasan Sarwar, Shahida Rafique, “Telecommunication at the Beginning of The New Millennium: Present Scenario and Future Trend - A model for Community LAN”, proceedings of International Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, ICECE-2001, Jan 5-6 2001, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2001.

Book Chapter:

  1. Rashid, Khabir, Hyder’s Text Book of Community Medicine and Public Health, Sixth Edition 2022

List of Attended Workshops & Schools:

  1. International Public Health Conference 2024, IEDCR auditorium, Mohakhali, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  2. Stakeholders Workshop to Identify Functional Modality of Advance Data Analytics Unit Directorate General of Health Service, March 10-11, 2024, Hotel Amari, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  3. AeHIN General Meeting 2023 – Ensuring Digital Health for Better Outcomes: PUTTING BLUEPRINTS INTO PRACTICE, Nov 6-9, 2023, Jakarta, Indonesia.
  4. IEEE Global communication Conference- Connecting the Unconnected Summit 2023, collocated in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 4-8 December, attended virtually.
  5. Stakeholder Consultation on Digital Health Strategy Action Plan on 15 November 2023, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
  6. Worked as a team member of Technical Working Group for the Development of National Digital Health Strategy During September – December, 2019 supported by WHO and MIS, DGHS and attended the workshops.
  7. Regional Workshop on Routine Health Information Systems (RHIS): Basic Concepts and Practice, June 6 – 17, 2016, Organized by Measure Evaluation, USAID, New Delhi, India.
  8. 7th International CME, Workshop & Conference CEUTEH-2017 on ‘Cost Effective Use of Technology in e-Healthcare’ from 11th - 13thSep 2017 at AIIMS, New Delhi, India.
  9. International Conference on Data for Decision (D4D) in Health in Bangladesh on 1-3 April, 2017.
  10. Workshop on eHealth for Universal Coverage, 16-19 January, 2017, ICDDR,B, Dhaka , Bangladesh.
  11. Workshop on a2i Women’s Innovation Camp 2017 24th August in Prime Minister's Office.
  12. Workshop on Ethical Issues and Practices in Implementation Research James P. Grant School of Public Health (JPGSPH), BRAC University and icddr,b (Technical Training Unit), August 1-2, 2017.
  13. International Conference on Medical Engineering, Health Informatics and Technology (MediTec 2016) in Dhaka, Bangladesh on 17-18 December 2016.
  14. 7th Regional Public Health Conference and Rockefeller Foundation Symposium on DHIS2 for Strengthening Routine Health Information System in Bangladesh, December 2016.
  15. Research Postgraduate Workshop: Research Supervisor Training Program, Jointly Organized by Monash University Sunway campus &Institute of Graduate Studies (IGS), University of Malaya (UM), Wednesday, 20 July 2011: 8.30am - 5.00pm, Venue: Seminar Rooms A & B, IGS, UM
  16. WORKSHOP: Teaching Small Group & Large Group, organized by Academic Development Centre (ADeC), Wisma R & D, UM, 21 July 2011.
  17. WORKSHOP: Xilinx FPGA with SIMULINK Traning, Hands on Workshop, organized by Activemedia Innovation SdnBhd, Unit C712, Level 7, Block C, Kelana Square, 17, Jalan SS7/26, Kelana Jaya, 47301 Petaling Jaya Selangor Malaysia, 15 December, 2011.
  18. Workshop on Wireless ICT in Developing Countries and 2nd Awareness Workshop on the Relevance of Wireless ICT Solutions organized by ICTP in Trieste, Italy from 16/02/2009 to 06/03/2009.
  19. Workshop on IMT Advanced: Towards 4G in University of Calcutta, India on 07/12/2007.
  20. Summer School on Mobile Distributed Computing in Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India from 17/07/2006 to 28/07/2006
  21. Workshop on Wireless Technologies for South Asian Countries in International Institute of Information Technology, Pune, India from 10/10/2005 to 21/10/2005.
  22. IEEE One-day Workshop on Managing Next Generation Networks (MNGN 2005) in Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India on 12/11/2005.
  23. XXVIIIth General Assembly of International Union of Radio Science (URSI) in New Delhi, India from 23/10/2005 to 29/10/2005.

Voluntary Services :

    1. Served as founding secretary and later on President for two terms of the Organization for Women in Science for the Developing world (OWSD) Bangladesh National Chapter with the aim to promote Science, Technology, Engineering and Math among the girls and women in Bangladesh.
    2. Serving under the platform of Institute of Electrical & Electronic Engineers (IEEE) and IEEE WIE (Women in Engineering) Affinity group to inspire and promote young generation in STEM.

    Professional Membership:

      • Member of Asia eHealth Information Network (AeHIN)
      • Life Member of Diabetic Association of Bangladesh (BADAS)
      • Member of Institute of Electrical & Electronic Engineers (IEEE) (International) since 2003.
      • WIE Affinity group, Since 2008


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